Wisdom from the Lord’s Spirit

The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.
Isaiah 11:2

If this Spirit rest upon Me and I rest within you then should you not posses what it says here that I posses?  When you deal with a person or situation most of the time, you only know a small amount of the truth.  You need – you must have, My Spirit and the wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge and might to deal with the person and situation.  Often, many do not however; yet, they attempt to believe that they do.  They are not in tune with My Spirit within them.  Did I not say that all could speak My Words and Will at times in order to edify and build one another up?  Yet, so few are able.  Their Spirit is not clean, their hearts are not filled with love, and their Spirits are dull, numb, or deaf to My Voice.  Do you want to be able to see the inside and not just the outside of a situation or person?  Then clean your spirit, open your hearts and unplug your ears, then, I will give you wisdom, understanding, counsel, and insight beyond your ability, knowledge, and might.  Then you will be able to be the vessel through which I can break the bondages off another.  First, you must be able to SEE!


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  1. Family and marriage teaching.

  2. Thank you so very much for your request that I do a study on “Marriage and Family.” What a wonderful topic at any time and a topic we as a society could benefit greatly from at this time. If you would like to offer more specifics about the content of the study or form of the study that would be most welcome. An example would be if you would prefer a study that is simply written to be read or a study which actually calls for you to interact and answer questions. Either is wonderful in my opinion. It is my desire to meet your need as best I am able. Your timing is wonderful for this as a woman yesterday brought up the need for a study on marriage. Please share any thoughts you have with me. I will proceed with the first posting on Monday sometime, my normal posting day; so it is available on Tuesday, as usual. Thank you again for your request.

    Dead Sea Scrolls Devotional Discussion Writer

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